Florent D.


Accueil / Careers / DRT teams & roles / Florent D., Manufacturing Operator

I arrived at DRT in November 2010 as a manufacturing operator with a qualification in general science, I quickly saw the need to improve myself.

So I went through the training for a professional diploma in “Chemistry, water and cardboard processes” offered by DRT in collaboration with GRETA, along with 5 other operators.

We alternated lessons in theory with periods of training in the company.

“This flexibility is particularly important as DRT is a company which is developing very quickly in a constantly changing context”

Being the youngest, I also benefited from the experience and practical knowledge of my older colleagues, some of whom had worked at the company for 20 years.

I just started in a new position in January; my new responsibilities, which are highly varied, require great adaptability.

This flexibility is particularly important as DRT is a company which is developing very quickly in a constantly changing context.


Jérome G

Planning scheduling and procurement manager

Petra E

Customer supplier quality assurance manager

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